Our Programs
BREAK Groups
What is BREAK?
It’s time to break the chain of abuse. Our BREAK groups offer men a place to begin their healing journey after experiencing sexual abuse and trauma. Groups meet weekly for six months to complete a comprehensive book study, guided discussions and group prayer.
As participants read study materials, they begin to understand the truth about their past. As they process that learning in the group setting, they discover that they are not alone. Others have taken this same journey and understand their struggles. Finally, participants learn that as they reach out to God, He offers healing and empowerment that goes beyond what can be accomplished without His help.
Opportunities for individual counseling sessions and inner healing prayer are available to participants for the duration of the program and for six months following graduation.
How do I know if BREAK is right for me?
BREAK is for every man, aged 18 and up, who has experienced abusive treatment and may be ready to seek healing.
Often victims of sexual abuse will minimize their own traumatic experiences, thinking they aren’t significant enough to warrant intervention or healing. Sadly, this leaves many men carrying a burden of secret, silent shame that can deeply affect their lives and relationships.
Many men who have completed the BREAK program had never discussed their trauma before. This group offers a safe and supportive environment to begin the journey toward understanding and healing from past abuse.
If you identify with any of the forms of sexual abuse described here, this course is for you.
If you are interested in joining a BREAK group or simply getting more information, please fill out the form below or call 586-727-0674.